Jonaz's Weyr
You walk into a room, with an open field in the middle. There is a large, strong bronze dragon lounging under a tree. Every few minutes he flys up and circles around the interior part of the cave.
You see a plaque on the wall, and go over to read it:
Jonaz's Stats
- Name-Jonaz
- Age-Adult
- Birthday-December 25!
- Genetics-Body: (B+, g+) [Bronze, Green]; Eyes: (B*, g+) [Blue, green]
- Personality-"Jonaz is confident, but not arrogant. Slightly jealous of the golds, he feels like he is the underdog, but will never hesitate to show off his skills. He is very charming and a beautiful flyer and fighter, but has never has never much taken up the studies of magic. Flying underneath the sun and relaxing is his favorite hobby."
- Adopted here, the same place as Kicha and Karez
- Parents-Umm, I don't know...
- Gender-Male
- Breed-Alitopian Dragon
- Color-Bronze
- Friends-My friends are: Kicha, Karez, Aquabeau, and Lightning Fox.
- Mate-Looking, looking.
- Offspring-What, the band? Well, I kinda like them.
Jonaz's Toys
I think Jahar is trying to bribe me to learn my magic, but I'm not too interested in that.---------
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to visit Jonaz!
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