ME!!! Me, me, me!
I'm a very weird person, and I'm sure you really, deeply care. Actually though, I don't think you'd be here unless you had even the slightest interest in who I am and where on earth all my weird stuff comes from. (-; Or maybe you're just hopelessly bored and looking for something to do in the vast expance of the internet (what the HECK are you doing here, then???). Only one of these questions can and will be answered... and it's not why I'm weird, gish-durn it! It's probably genetic.. or because of the paste I ate as a child. (-:
Basic Stats:
- Gender: Female, most definately female. Though, there usually isn't much mixup..
- Real name: Well... I'm not allowed to tell and I'm not going to. Of course.. I've been known to respond to "Jahar" in public. Pretty sad, huh?
- Andalite name: Jahar-"Nine"-Yaqui-Corass (pronounce Jahar "Jay-har," I don't care how everyone else says it, that's the way I like it ;-)
- Nicknames: LoloFunny, Smitty, Sminty, J9...
- Contacts: On AIM: Smitty206 or Jahar9. On Yahoo Messanger: Jahar9, LoloFunny, or CSSculder (or if you're really desperate, Norzacistay_slurpy). On plain old e-mail:,, or (You can also find me in a lot of Yahoo! Clubs, and if you wanna see them, you can look here. Sounds like an advertisement, doesn't it? Drat! Be gone with you, evil Yahoo!)
- Age: 16 in human years (born on 1/9/85. Send me presents! Like fan-art and fan fic! Maybe my life? Someone have it? Come on! Give it baaaack!)
- Where do I live? I can't tell, besides the United States. Well, my state is round on both ends and high in the....oops, said too much. Except I left out Boring all Around... It's OHIO, OK?! HAPPY NOW?! ::starts screaming insanely at the reader of this page:: Umm... ::regains her composure and quickly goes on to the next facts::
- I can't tell you any more. It's not just the yeerks, it's my (insert adjective: paranoid) parents. And me, when mentioning paranoid, you can't forget me!
My Weird and Wonderful Quotes:
- "Stop poking me, I'm already paranoid!"-me
- "Do you hate Trash cans?!?"-Jake Megemorphs #2
- "Globules, -ules!"-Aximili #8 The Alien
- "Lifty smells like a ferret!"-me
- "Cheese!!......Chicken!!"-Pigeon
- "Chicken in a bucket! No! Chicken in a wastebasket! Trash can sounds better! Watebasket is more sophisticated. Fasisticated! Wait, I've got one, chicken in a hat! That's dumb."-my friends and I during one of our extremely intellectual lunch conversations
- "Indian Corn is not edible!"-me
- "Hi Christmas tree!"-me (Christmas tree is a person)
- "I am Queen Nimba, and I will respond to no other name!"-my mom in a dream I had.
- "Like, like, um, yea, like!"-Pigeon in an e-mail conversation we had once
- "Ha! That's pointless!"-me
- "Cow eats grass......grass eats cow,"-A part of a song my OM team wrote.
- "You know what, today's been really weird, but it is weird because it hasn't been weird, but I guess it has been weird because the fact that it isn't weird makes it weird, but then it's not weird, so it can't be that."-Me doing a very good job of confusing my friends
- "Mom, she's not a 50 year old retired postal worker, and she doesn't hang outside my window at night."-Me explaining everyone I meet on the internet.
- "Mulder is a type of fish."-Gee, guess who
- "Mulder does not look good in pink."-Can you tell someone has an obsession with X-files?
- "Can you tell someone has an obsession with X-Files?"-Me
- "No one cares do they?"-Me
- "PROZAC!"-Pigeon
- "PUPPY!"-Pigeon
- "'Forgotten is the Bubble Gum!' 'Remembered is the Slurpy!'"- an exerpt from Weirdo CDM # 5 (Can you say shameless advertisement? ;-)
- "'Cheese is like butter only different.' 'Yeah?! Well cheese gives me gas!' 'HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT CHEESE'"- another WCDM quote
- "Cheese is like butter only different."- Believer
- "Zeke on a Leash!"- Sidney and me
- "There is no longer a color orange, it is MANGO."- me
- "You mean it was a stoned rock?"- me in a conversation with Pigeon in science
- "I float like a ton of bricks! I sting like a pillow! I am the Pigeon!"- need I say more?
- ""- Marco on the AniTv show, and the common reaction to the AniTv show (-;
- "Nine in excess is excessive 9"- Me confuzzeling people
- "Don't look at me in that tone of voice"- Pigeon
- "He who farts in church sits alone in his own pew"- Pigeon's Favorite quote, but I don't have a clue where it came from
- "'Haha! We beat you!' 'Yeah, just go back to your farms!'"- Part of a conversation after winning our very first playoff game! Yae!
- "Well, if that page was updated once in awhile, it would be updated, wouldn't it?"-Me, of course (-:
- "'I'm cheeseless! AGAIN! How does this always happen!?' 'Would you like some cheese, hun?'"-Me after getting the cheeseless pizza for the FOURTH week in a row, and the lunch lady's reply. You had to be there. (-:
- "It's 54 disease out!"- Pigeon and her speach impediment
- "I like Barenaked Ladies."- Me fueling my friends' sick minds
- "Don't say 'OK,' 'Of course,' or 'that's weird,' it sounds like I've heard it somewhere else, but not from you." - Me during one of my inspecific moments.. It's meaning isn't as stupid as it sounds! Really! (-:
Hi to:
- My family
- Sidney the Multi-Colored Armadillo
- Lifty aka PBa (Prozac Benevolence Association) aka PigeonMorph
- Beaver...err... Believer!
- Pokemon Killer (Pimento Kicker)
- Pinkie
- JM, if she's out there somewhere. Hi JM! Come back!
- All Spice a.k.a. Shopaholic14
- Flwrluv (or whatever her SN is now..)
- Leigh2009
- All My friends on AOL
- All My friends on Yahoo
- My friends from Kimmeree's if anyone there remembers me (::falls over::)
- Lets just say: Hi to EVERYONE! Hi everybody! HIEEEEE!
Thanks to:
- Tripod- for the webspace
- Java Script Source- for the scripts, because I am completely incompetant and even the "Java for Dummies" books don't seem to make sense to me. (-:
- for the space for my voting booths.
- Dan Quail and Al Gore- for creating the internet, where people actually pretend to like me.
- You- for reading this. I feel sorry for you, really I do.
- The Weirdos- for being my friends! Yae! (-:
- The colleges that keep sending me mail. That makes me happy and I feel important now. (-:
- My family- for passively encouraging my strange endeavours with the occasional "You are so weird!" or "You really need a psychologist."
- All the little people out there. ::sniffles:: Thank you! Thank you so much! I love you! I love you! ::snickers and falls over::
Likes (-:
- Favorite color-Purple!
- Favorite food-I like all food, ood. Good. Taste is good.
- Favorite books-Animorphs, Everworld, and the X-Files books (Of course!)
- Favorite tv show-Ha ha, you thought I'd say Animorphs didn't you? Nope, its X-Files. ::hums the X-Files theme::
- Favorite music-Alternative, Country, some other stuff (I have a mild toleration for most pop ;-), just about anything except most rap.
- Favorite Band-Barenaked Ladies! ("'I like Barenaked Ladies' 'Ewwww, did she say she likes bare-naked ladies?!'")
- Favorite Animorph-Ax
- Favorite Animorphs Books-#19 The Departure and #4 The Message
- Favorite instrument (to play)-The flute! (I'm taking up the Tuba soon if I can manage to pilfer it from the band room ;-)
Dislikes )-:
- Annoying people (broad topic, eh?)
- Swearing (in excess, of course. I'd hate to sound like the prude my mom tells me I am)
- Hanson
- Leonerdo Decapitated... err... Leonardo, you know who I mean
- Animorphs TV Show
- Watermelon
- Getting up in the morning
- Getting up in the morning to go to school
- People who talk about me behind my back and tell people to stay away from me because I'm a looser... you know who you are, and I'm onto you!
- Those darned people that keep sending me porno mail! STOP IT!!!
You are the
person to learn about the weirdness that is Jahar9. (-: